FAQ: Asylum Law in Germany
The German asylum law is definied as a fundamental constitutional right within the German Basic Law (constitution). Art. 16a GG grants asylum to people who are or have been politically persecuted in their home countries.
People are considered politically persecuted when their religion, nationality, skin color, genetical mark-up, their afilitation to a certain group or their political persuasion leads to danger to life and limb or to their freedom. Read more about the definition here.
Besides the right of residence the asylum law contains the opportunity of personal and professional development. Read here what kind rights concerning life in Germany and the permission to work can be found in the corresponding laws.
Asylum in Germany: What is possible?

The right of asylum has been of concern for humanity for hundreds of years. That is because, virtually since the dawn of civilization, people have left their home to seek asylum for religious, political, ethnic, cultural or other reasons. They have been pursued or chased away and seek refuge in a safe place.
The League of Nations was founded in 1920. It was the beginning of the belief that it was the responsibility of the international community to protect refugees and find solutions for their problems.
So what is the asylum law, the Alien Act or the Immigration Act? Which rights do applicants for asylum have in Germany? How is the asylum procedure executed and who decides based on which criteria, whether somebody receives a residence permit or not? You will find the answers to those questions and much more about this legal field in the following guide.
What is the asylum law?

The asylum law – also known as refugee law – has developed into a controversial topic over the course of current events. Die to conflicts and humanitarian crises thousands of people leave their home country and seek refuge – a place of safety.
To help and procted people that seek refuge and have been dosplaced, the United Nations Organization (UN) was formed as the successor organization of the League of Nations after World War II.
The UN fights for the respect of human rights and their fundamental freedoms – regardless of the ethnicity or the religion a person has. Among other things the says in article 14:
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
In turn, asylum law is the legal field of asylum in Germany. It includes norms which are temporarily associated with asylum. This comprehends in particular:
- acceptance of persecutees
- deportation
- naturalisation
Violations of human rights are probably the most common cause that people have to flee. The Geneva Convention on Refugees from 1951 describes in article 1, which people are to be acknowledged as refugees. Any person who
owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.
The foundation for asylum law is the constitution – the Grundgesetz (GG). It states as one of only few constitutions in the world that every political persecutee can be granted asylum in Germany under certain conditions. This right is even legally enforceable. Article 16a of the Grundgesetz contains the provision can be found that political refugees always enjoy the right for asylum.
In Germany, everyone is considered a refugee who cannot get protection in one’s home country and has to suffer persecution which restricts or endangers one’s life or freedom because of one’s
- religion
- nationality
- race
- membership of a particular social group or
- political opinion

The German constitution does have exceptions concerning asylum, though. Hence, someone does not enjoy right for asylum, if he or she enters Germany from another EU-country or from a third country categorized as safe. Such a country is decided by the German Federal Parliament – the Bundestag – and the Federal Council of Germany – the Bundesrat.
Nevertheless, the asylum law of the Grundgesetz in Germany is fundamentally different to the laws of other countries. Thus, the Grundgesetz is rather neutral and excludes – just like the Geneva Convention – people from the right of asylum who have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity or other non-political most serious crimes. Actions of this sort violate the very foundations and aims of the UN.
According to the Grundgesetz, a foreigner is not persecuted in a country if the current legal situation, the application of law and the government do not seem to result in inhumane punishment and humiliation. An applicant for asylum needs to provide evidence that this is the case. German courts consider the goal setting of persecution important for proving political persecution. This goal setting has to be political and is usually conducted with the help of state resources.
Forms of migration

There are basically three to four different forms of migrants. Here, the form depends on the reason for migration.
- subsequent entry of families: if a family member is already living permanently abroad because of a good job and has a residence permit, spouses and children can often follow
- work migration or educational migration: moving to another country due to a new job, because there are no or low-wage jobs in one’s own country
- forced migration: if there are crimes against humanity, wars or impairments owing to political opinions or religion in the home country, many people flee and seek asylum
- illegal migration: unfortunately, this form of migration takes place with the help of human trafficking or people smuggling; the smugglers are not always considered criminals, though – often they just violate entry requirements, residence regulations and work regulations
European asylum law
The asylum law in the European Union states a kind of fundamental right of asylum for particular groups of people under certain circumstances as well – one’s freedom and life has to be threatened due to violations of human rights in one’s homeland. In this case, the Geneva Convention on Refugees is effective.
Since 2003 a considerable number of legal acts have been issued in the European Union which include basic regulations concerning asylum and the protection of refugees in Europe. At this, the EU stands especially for solidarity within the community.
Right now the common asylum law in the European Union includes five legal instruments:
- Reception Conditions Directive
- Qualification Directive
- Asylum Procedures Directive
- Dublin III Regulation
- Eurodac Regulation
The European Community aims at creating high protection standards which are supposed to be accomplished by a just and efficient asylum procedure. The treatment of asylum-seekers is supposed to be equal and to prevented misconduct in all member states.
Laws and regulations which are relevant for asylum law
The justification for asylum law can be found in the German constitution, but different laws have been established over time which included further regulations and, thus, sort out legal problems. You can find the laws and regulations which concern asylum law in the following chapters.
Immigration Act and Residence Act

The Immigration Act – the Zuwanderungsgesetz – became effective in 2005. It is part of the Aliens Act – the Ausländergesetz (AuslG). The Residence Act has great relevance within the Immigration Act, because it regulates the following things:
- residence
- family reunification
- expulsion and eventual deportation
- rights and duties of political participation
The current Residence Act – the Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG) – states five so-called residence titles. A foreigner needs such a title to be allowed to enter Germany and stay here temporarily or permanently:
- residence permit (temporary): This title is meant for example for self-employed people who generate income and jobs in Germany. Foreigners can also be granted a residence permit for a year if they successfully finished university and are looking for a job.
- The EU Blue Card (up to four years): This residence title is considered for specialised personnel – university or college graduates. The EU Blue Card can also apply for non-citizens of the EU, if they have either a university degree or an employment contract with an annual minimum gross pay of € 46,400 (2016).
- permanent residence permit (permanent): A kind of settlement permit accordingly to a EU directive. This title can be given to foreigners from third countries who can provide a legitimate five-year-stay in a EU member state. Moving to another EU country is allowed.
- settlement permit (permanent): This title is for highly qualified people who come to Germany for a longer period of time. The settlement permit is only given to somebody who has had a residence permit for five years and meets additional requirements. This includes independently making a living for oneself and one’s family. Furthermore, the applicant has to have sufficient knowledge of the German language and no criminal record.
- visa (temporary): The visa requirement applies to all foreigners who are non-citizens of the EU. Needless to say, citizens of the EU do not need a visa. However, no visa is required from visitors, who only stay 90 days within a period of 180 days. Beyond that, one has to apply for a visa.
Eviction order and deportation

An eviction order terminates the residence of foreign citizens in Germany – mostly against their will.
However, an eviction order and the final deportation are not the same things. When a person is about to be evicted, he has not automatically been deported yet. A person applying for asylum usually receives notification in case his residence permit is expiring or his application for asylum has been declined.
The same happens when public security is threatened by the foreigner’s conduct. For that reason a committed crime results in a so-called obligatory expulsion: The criminal has to leave the country.
On the other hand, an eviction order does not automatically lead to a person’s departure of the country. Not everyone departs voluntarily in due time. Only when the expulsion is carried out, the term “deportation” is accurate. This procedure also entails that the foreigner is about to be expelled with the help of police force.
Additionally, there is also a so-called “rejection”. Someone can be rejected at the border of a country if he or she does not meet the regulations for entry.
Under certain circumstances custody to secure deportation then follows. According to § 62 AufenthG this sanction, however, has to be avoided if more benignant means can be sufficiently exerted. Custody to secure deportation is – among other reasons – only conventionally accepted, when
- The foreigner needs to be deported after entering the country illegally.
- The deadline for departure has expired and the person affected has changed his location without report to the Aliens Department.
- The foreigner failed to come to the announced appointment and place of deportation.
Family reunification and immigration of spouses

For a family reunification to occur the spouse and children underage have to apply for a residence title at the German embassy of their country. After admission to the country a registration of all family members is required at the residents‘ registration.
In case the residence title has been granted, family members then also receive authorization for employment.
A family reunification is not permitted, however, if – according to § 27 AufenthG – the marriage has only been contracted for this reason or the spouse has been forced into marriage.
Asylum law in Germany: What does it contain?
The asylum law in Germany lists all necessary regulations in relation to the procedure of granting the right of asylum (further defined in the correspondent chapter). Before the asylum law received its name on the 24th of October, 2015 it was known as the Asylverfahrensgesetz. In the course of today’s waves of refugees the government had to come to a quick decision: A new asylum law was necessary.
Within the omnibus act, called Asylverfahrensbeschleunigungsgesetz, specific changes, which were supposed to reform the procedure for granting the right of asylum, were made. Among them these alterations can be mentioned:
- the procedure for granting the right of asylum was accelerated
- the list of secure countries of origin was extended
- the retention time in initial reception facilities can now be prolonged up to six months
- asylum seekers with a medical approbation were allowed to treat other foreigners – in case of extreme shortage – and under the supervision of a doctor
- requirements for the construction of facilities were simplified
- a higher flexibility concerning the distribution of refugees among federal states can be noted
- arrangements for easier integration (especially with respect to the job market) were made
German courses for asylum seekers

As one remaining issue among foreigners and German citizens the lack of communication and mutual comprehension can be noted.
With the help of so-called integration courses foreign citizens can acquire knowledge of the German language.
These courses were introduced in 2005 and are now regulated by the „Verordnung über die Durchführung von Integrationskursen für Ausländer und Spätaussiedler“ – in short „Integrationskursverordnung“.
Here the asylum law differentiates between someone’s duty and entitlement for taking part in such language courses. They consist of at least 660 lessons, but can be also prolonged up to 960 lessons. Foremost day-to-day phenomena are dealt with: employment, shopping, health, living, education, the media or social interaction.
Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act
The “Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act” secures a minimum standard of living for asylum seekers in Germany. The payment of social welfare to asylum seekers is regulated by this act. Yet, it must be noted that these specific funds are limited to accommodation and benefits in kind. Nonetheless, the allowance grants all day-to-day necessities for refugees.
The Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act likewise regulates retirement pensions as well as certain cash benefits as adjusted by the requirements of the ALG II and social welfare. These, however, are less than the common retirement pension a German citizen is entitled to.
Fields of law relevant to the asylum law
The “asylum law” and the “Aliens Act” are two different pairs of shoes. In the following chapter you can expect to learn more on the Aliens Act which is also known as the “immigration law”. Besides, you find interesting information on different fields of law relevant to the asylum law.
Aliens Act
In Germany the Aliens Act determines the rights of foreigners. The term “foreigner” has unfortunately gained a negative connotation recently, even though every person, who is staying in a country different from his own, must be called a foreigner.
The Aliens Act touches on three important fields of law:
- Private law: The regulations of the private international law focus on foreign citizens. In certain cases, however, the country of origin is authoritative, for instance when cases of civil status, legal capacity, marriage law or inheritance law are involved. In civil cases the legislation of the place of trial is binding.
- Social law: Foreigners are obligated to contribute to social insurance, independent of their nationality. In this case, the principle of territoriality is binding.
- Constitutional law: Foreigners are subject to political, professional and social limitations once they have neither received a German citizenship, obtained the status of a refugee or exile, nor are spouse or descendant of a person who has been granted admission to the former territory of the Deutsches Reich (as of 31.12.1937). Thus, foreigners have different and more limited rights than German citizens. Yet, basic rights grant fundamental freedom, except, for instance, the freedom of assembly or professional freedom.

Also: According to § 116 GG all former German citizens, who had lost their citizenship for political, religious and xenophobic reasons between 1933 and 1945, have to be vernacularized upon request. The same goes for their descendants.
All important information concerning foreign rights is implemented in the Aliens Act. More information can be gathered in the relevant chapter (See Immigration Act and Residence Act).
Public international law
The public international law presents a legal system that can be seen as a collection of all legal norms regulating the states‘ relationships amongst each other as well as the international organization. This is why sometimes the public international law is simply called international law. In contrast to other fields of law it cannot, however, be enforced by a single authority, but needs the support of other nationalities.
For an international law like this to come into force treaties and agreements are necessary. These treaties – among other things – deal with diplomatic and international affairs, limit acts of war or settle disputes. Examples for civil international laws are:
- UN Charta
- human rights declarations of the United Nations
- agreements of the European Council
Right of residence
The right of residence is not a field of law in the usual sense, but is rather linked up with the residence permit and the exceptional leave to remain and can thus be described as a right of permanent residence or right of staying permanently.
Once a foreigner’s application for asylum has finally been declined, he can receive an exceptional leave to remain if – for some reasons – he cannot be deported. However, which cases prevent an eventual deportation? It might happen that the minister of interior stops all deportations or the passport of the person inflicted is missing. Usually an exceptional leave to remain can only be granted for six months maximum.
If a person has been granted an exceptional leave to remain for more than 18 months – through no fault of his own – he has got the right to claim a residence permit.
What is regulated by the asylum law?
The asylum law regulates all basic processes and rights relevant for asylum seekers. The common issues were already described in the correspondent chapters above; a few are now going to be focused on in closer detail.
The procedure for granting the right of asylum
The Federal Office for Migration handles the applications for asylum and conducts the procedure for granting the right of asylum, which is implemented in the residence act (see above) and the asylum law.
As long as his case is pending, a foreigner applying for asylum in Germany is principally entitled to the right of residence – even before his official acknowledgement as a victim of political persecution.
In the course of the process for granting the right for asylum – sometimes a so-called Erkennungsdienstliche Behandlung – is carried out and aims at the identification of the foreigner. Accordingly, personal data is collected and the name, place of residence, age height and weight, special body features or tattoos are listed. These data, however, is only collected if the person inflicted had entered the country illegally, was caught with fake documents or is about to be deported.
If the authorities recognize a refugee’s right of asylum in the sense of the Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention (Art.16a GG), he receives the right of temporary residence at first. Before granting permanent residence authorities investigate the status and political circumstances of the country of origin.
Third country regulation

A foreigner, who has entered the country via an EU member state or a different, politically secure third country, cannot expect to appeal to the legislation on asylum, because human rights are generally guaranteed in these countries. An application for asylum would be unnecessary.
It is important to note that the asylum law does not entitle refugees to choose their place of residence at will, but it protects them from going back to the country of persecution.
Secure country of origin
A secure third country and a secure country of origin are to be differentiated. The last namend can also be a non-European country, for instance Syria, Namibia, India or Australia. Countries, which guarantee safety from political persecution or unhuman punishment and treatment, can be acknowledged as secure by act of law.
On the basis of a detailed list of criteria countries undergo close examination in order to be called secure countries of origin. Among other criteria the so-called Anerkennungsquote der Asylbewerber is mentioned, as well as:
- the current and general political situation
- the country’s stability
- the acknowledgement of human rights
Therefore an application for asylum could be declined or declared as unsubstantiated if the applicant had come from a country listed as secure. Yet, this decision might be different once the foreigner can offer facts and evidence that he had been politically persecuted in his home country.
Airport regulation

Illegal immigration by air travel increased in the last few decades. For this reason foreigners have to undergo the procedure for granting the right of asylum before entering the country, insofar as that very person came from a secure destination.
Under the circumstances described refugees can remain on airport ground.
In fact, applicants for asylum can remain on airport ground – or more specifically in the direct transit area – up to 19 days after their application.
Entry to the country is denied when the airport’s Federal Office dismisses the application as unfounded. However, if the foreigner still desires to enter the country, his application can be submitted to the responsible administration court. If the application fails again, the person is expelled from the country.
In this very case the procedure for granting the right of asylum is part of the regular airport safety procedures, because it takes place directly at the Border Services Agency and the branch office of the Federal Office. Usually the Federal Office now takes two days for deciding on the application or otherwise the asylum seeker is granted entrance.
hallo‘ ich bin zaidi .ich habe als Flüchtlinge aufenthaltitel und bin ich seit 7 jahre in Deutschland .Mein Mutter ist sehr krank in pakistan und will ich besuchen für eine oder zwei wochen .ist das moglish?
I am from Kosovo,we came in germany in June2017,my girl has a desease that in Kosovo is not possible to treat.
Last mont we took the answer from the Judge that we can stay in Germany(will not deport in kosovo during my daughter is in her treatment cause would be bad for her health.)
We are staying in Camp for 10 months.
As i know and read the law for secure countries is if we have ‚positive‘ desition we should transfer ..
The RP is not giving us the tranfer cause the doctor wrote that my girl has to stay in this city(Heidelberg).
The BAMF has taken the Ausvises cause they say they are not responsible more for us,they say to apply for duldung in Auslanderbehörder ,we were there and Auslander….said the do not work for us that live in this camp.
I need any advice what to do to get a transfer .
Hello Tina,
we cannot offer legal advice and therefore ask you to contact an available Flüchtlingshilfestelle or even contact a laywer at oru location. We cannot say who are the responsible authorities in this case. Usually the local Ausländerbehörde and the Jobcenter should be able to provide you with more information.
Your Team at anwalt.org
Hallo Herren und Damen. Ich bin aftab ich komme aus pakistan. Ich habe schon zwei Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt.ich habe A1 A2 B1 bestanden.und have ich lange Zeit Praktikum gemacht.und ich bin aabgelehnt und mein Anwalt auch abgelehnt.und dann nach ich bin nach Schweiz gegegangen und dann Schweiz mir Deutschland geschoben.ich verstehe nicht was ist Dublin regeln?
Hallo Aftab k.,
wie die Schweiz den Umgang mit Asylbewerbern regelt, können wir nicht beurteilen. Die Regeln des Dubliner Abkommens gelten im Normalfall auch hier Das heißt, dass ein Asylbewerber, der aus einem sicheren Drittstaat kommt wieder in diesen zurückgeschickt werden kann. Da Sie in Deutschland den Antrag gestellt haben, können Sie in der Regel in keinen anderem Land, dass dem Abkommen beigetreten ist einen weiteren Antrag stellen.
Ihr Team von anwalt.org
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich bin Inayat, bin aus Pakistan und wir wohnen (die ganze Familie) in
Baden-Württemberg. Wir sind 5 Geschwister und eine Mutter und haben hier Asyl beantragt. Nun haben wir vom BAMPF die Antwort auf unseren Asylantrag bekommen und es liegt für uns das Abschiebungsverbot vor. Ich wollte nur fragen ob man in diesen Fall den Deutsche Reisepass für die Asylbewerber beantragen kann, weil wir noch alle in die Schule gehen und es gibt immer wieder Ausflüge ins EU Ausland und wir können da nie mitgehen.
Danke schonmal im Vorraus.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sie können bei der Ausländerbehörde einen Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge beantragen, wenn es Ihnen nicht möglich ist, in Ihrem Herkunftsland einen Reisepass zu bekommen. Mit diesem Ausweis können Sie gemäß des Europäischen Übereinkommens über die Aufhebung des Sichtvermerkszwangs für Flüchtlinge in folgende Länder Reisen: Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Irland, Island, Italien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Spanien, Tschechische Republik.
Ihr Team von anwalt.org
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich möchte gerne über ein Wechsel vom Studium in Asyl erkündigen.
Mein Bekannte, der aus Eritrea ist, studiert gerade an der Uni mit Betreuung eines Sponsors. Allerdings ist der Fach für ihm nicht wie erwartet. Da er aber nach Eritrea nicht zurückkehren kann, möchte er in Deutschland für Asyl beantragen. Darf er das machen und könnte das für den Sponsor Probleme geben?
Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Antwort.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hallo Tedla,
wenden Sie sich mit diesem speziellen Fall am besten an das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Dort können Sie genau erfragen, welche Möglichkeiten ihr Freund für einen Asylantrag hat und inwiefern sich dies auf den Sponsor auswirkt.
Ihr Team von anwalt.org